41,587 Foreigners Naturalised for Swiss citizenship in 2016

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The State Secretariat for Migration has published new migration statistics of foreigner population in Switzerland. Here are some interesting statistics.

As of 2016, there are  2,029,527 legally resident foreigners in Switzerland, 69% were EU/EFTA nationals.  Italians are Switzerland’s largest foreign community, followed by Germans and Portuguese.

In 2015, 41,587 persons were granted Swiss citizenship either through the

  • Standard Naturalisation (32 155)
  • Facilitated (8958) naturalisation procedure or
  • Reinstatement of Swiss citizenship (14).

Those naturalised came from Italy, Germany, Portugal, France and Kosovo.

Swiss Citizenship

On 30 September, the Swiss Parliament approved the legislative provisions on facilitated naturalisation for the third generation of foreigners and among the main amendments to the law are the requirement for applicants under the ordinary naturalisation procedure to hold a permanent residence permit at the time of submitting the application and to meet the integration criteria (adequate language skills).

Swiss Citizenship Canton

People who have been living in Switzerland can apply for normal or facilitated naturalization for swiss citizenship