Malta has the most transparent citizenship by investment scheme

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Malta has the most transparent citizenship by investment scheme among all the CBI countries.


Malta publishes annual report about Individual Investor Program (IIP) which publishes full details on applications received, due diligence and approved citizenship applications to different nationalities. Malta also publishes names of IIP citizens in gazette every year to public.


In the Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada also have transparent citizenship by investment schemes. Antigua publishes annual report of its CBI program every year, which shows how many citizenships approved specific to country.


Grenada publishes details of CBI scheme in report, but do not publish the nationals obtained citizenship. The report only shows investments received, and approved CBI citizens related to real estate or donation option.


None of the caribbean countries  publish information names of citizens who acquired CBI passport, protecting their privacy. In Contrast to Malta, Cyprus provides full privacy to those who apply under citizenship by investment program. Cyprus does not publish annual report and also does not make the names of CBI citizens public.


Annual Report  Publish names of CBI citizens
Malta Yes Yes
Cyprus NO No
St kitts No No
Antigua Yes No
Dominica No No
Grenada Yes No
Moldova Unknown Yes
Montenegro Unknown Unknown
Vanuatu No No


You can read more about the reports here