Moldova opens new citizenship by investment programme

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Moldova opened new citizenship by investment program according to Annex no.1 to the Government Decision no. from 2017 – REGULATIONS on the acquisition of citizenship through investment

The new citizenship by investment program was officially announced in July 2018.

Foreigner investors and their families qualify for Moldova citizenship and passport by investing in any one of the following investment plans.

The official qualifying investments for citizenship in Moldova are Contribution to the Public Investment Fund for Sustainable Development – EUR 100,000

A minimum non-refundable contribution to the PIF starting from

  • EUR 100,000 for a single applicant.
  • EUR 115,000 is required for a couple,
  • EUR 145,000 for a family of four, and EUR 155,000 for a family of five or more.
  • Additional service fees total EUR 35,000 per application.

Government fees

In addition, applicants are required to pay government fees of

  • EUR 5,000 for the main applicant,
  • EUR 2,500 for a spouse,
  • EUR 1,000 for a dependent child, and
  • EUR 5,000 for a dependent parent. Dependent children can be up to 29 years of age, and dependent parents — of the main applicant as well as the spouse — who are 55 years of age or older can be included.

Due diligence fee

Due diligence fees are

  • EUR 6,000 for the main applicant and
  • EUR 5,000 for a spouse, dependent children older than 16 years, and/or dependent parents.

Passport fee

Biometric passport fees amount to EUR 300 per individual

The investments such as Property investment, Government bonds must be maintained for 60 months or 5 years.

Moldova is to offer citizenship to foreigners who invest significant sums in the country, in a bid to boost the weak levels of investment that the country has seen in recent years

Applicants and family members who apply for citizenship under the investment program in Moldova must have good economic and financial reputation, must not have any criminal record, visa refusal or involved in fraud, malpractice, money laundering or indemnities.

The Republic of Moldova actively pursues EU membership and currently not a member of Schengen zone.  Moldova passport is ranked #54 powerful passport in the world with visa free travel to 102 countries including all EU member states, Turkey, Russia etc