New online platform for comparing citizenship and golden visa schemes

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Best Citizenships (BC) has been re-launched as new online comparison platform for comparison of citizenship by investment and RBI/Golden visa schemes. All immigrant investor schemes can be compared with a new visual experience and up-to-date information.


The Best Citizenships platform has been serving HNW clients since 2011.


From just handful of immigrant investor schemes in 1990’s, the investment immigration industry offering citizenship and residence by investment schemes have grown from just 4 to 37. As of today there are 12 official citizenship by investment schemes (CBI) and 25 residence by investment schemes (RBI) actively running. Today it is a $15 billion dollar industry and expected to reach $20 billion in couple of years by 2020.


St Kitts and Nevis has the oldest and longest running citizenship by investment program in the world since 1984. Congress created the US immigrant investor program (EB-5) in the 1990 and Canada Quebec investor scheme established in 1985, while UK offered tier1 investor visas since 1994.


The new comparison platform provides a great visual experience for clients to compare prices and conditions for applying to residence and citizenship schemes. The BC will be updated frequently with latest news and updates from the industry.


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